Spirituality in the Workplace: A Philosophical and Social Justice Perspective
Missing from the discourse on spirituality are the injustices experienced in the workplace, particularly by individuals marginalized by social group identity or affiliation. This is a critical omission in that spirituality can stimulate reflection, response, healing, and transformation of the soul. Filling the gap by addressing the role of spirituality in relation to meaningful work, this volume extends ideas about teaching and learning about spirituality to workplace settings, including the transformative learning theory. In seeking ways to promote moral and socially responsible workplaces and to establish a new way of thinking, the volume lays down a philosophical framework for spirituality in the workplace as a means of emancipation and social justice, and shows how the workplace can be a fruitful context for social justice education. This is the 152nd volume of the Jossey Bass series New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. Noted for its depth of coverage, it explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums.