A Global Pursuit
Designed for fast, easy preparation and focused teaching Each Teacher's Edition includes: * Suggested pacing * Vocabulary * Strategies for using text and images effectively * Inquiry-based activities to challenge learners * Additional background on art and artists * Compare and Contrast diagrams * Ideas for extending the lesson * Lesson resources at point-of-use * Large Reproduction and Overhead Transparency suggestions at point-of-use * Studio Evaluation criteria* Critical Thinking exercises * Support for differentiated instruction * Cross-curricular connections * National Standards correlations Unit Resources * Shows Large Reproduction and Overhead Transparency images that are correlated to each unit * Includes correlations to image resources, blackline masters, multimedia - all available ancillaries Unit Preview * Helps you introduce unit theme and objectives to students * Explains strands * Expands upon unit objectives *Outlines main unit concepts * Illustrated with sample fine artwork Unit Planning Guide * At-a-glance planning, complete with thumbnail reference images * Pacing, objectives, studios, necessary materials - everything you need to know Lesson Wraparound Material * Point-of-use support on every page * Step-by-step coordination with the text * Four key sections that organize teaching instruction of each lesson: Prepare, Teach, Assess, Close * Numerous teaching options: inquiry, extensions, differentiated instruction, computer variations, and more Unit Rubrics and Summative Assessment * Authentic assessment options for both art and non-art content * Unit Performance Tasks help determine depth and breadth of understanding * Studio Exploration rubrics provide a clear evaluation structure for studio work * Unit Concepts rubric allows assessment of specific unit objectives