Images of Montenegro in Anglo-American Creative Writing and Film
This book observes images of Montenegro in Anglo-American creative writing and films from the late eighteenth century until 2016. Like the Balkans as a whole, Montenegro usually reappeared in the West’s consciousness with the outbreak of wars, but remained marginalized on the larger Balkan map because of its peripheral political influence and, therefore, remained little known. In the past, Montenegro was experienced as almost unapproachable, barren, and wild. Its people, like their mountains, were seen as massive and fierce, while their primitivism equally delighted and repulsed visitors. Even today, when one searches the Internet for “Montenegro,” one finds titles mostly containing modifiers circling around “undiscovered,” “magical,” and “mysterious.” The book follows these vignettes chronologically to point out how the rhetoric they share dangerously builds a caricature of the country. However, they also provide a very lively mosaic of landscapes, history, people, their costumes, houses, and everyday life, which are sometimes distorted. No one can claim that these descriptions were not influenced by the ideologies the travellers inherited at home and were not filtered through their own cultural grids, but, significantly, they evoke places that are now forever lost – destroyed in wars, by earthquakes, faulty development planning, or, simply, by time.