The future of Nordic labour law: Facing the challenges of changing labour relations
Available online: Is labour law in the Nordic countries prepared to meet future challenges, or is there a need for adjustments and renewal? These questions form the backdrop for the analysis in this report. The Nordic systems of labour law are built on a binary divide between employees and the self-employed. As a main rule, employees are protected by labour law, while self-employed are not, and the employer is responsible for complying with the legal framework. If future labour relations make it harder to assess whether a worker is an employee or self-employed, and to decide who is the employer, this might undermine the efficiency of labour law regulations. The report analyzes the adaptability of the legal framework, and points at strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, the study discusses how the identified challenges can be addressed, by suggesting avenues for legal development and reform. The report is the concluding analysis of Pillar VI in the project Future of Work: Opportunities and Challenges for the Nordic Models (NFoW), funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.