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After Combat
After Combat
"After Combat introduces readers to the wars fought by Millennials from the perspective of the combatants. Told by veterans, After Combat narrates what Tim O'Brien calls a "true war story:" one without obvious purpose or moral imputation, independent of civilian logic, propaganda goals, and even peacetime convention"
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Ethical Joyce
Ethical Joyce
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Terrible Beauty
Terrible Beauty
If art is our bid to make sense of the senseless, there is hardly more fertile creative ground than that of the twentieth century. From the trench poetry of World War I and Holocaust memoirs by Primo Levi and Elie Wiesel to the post-colonial novels of southern Asia and the anti-apartheid plays of the South African Market Theater, writers have married beauty and horror. This "century of trauma" produced writing at once saturated in political violence and complicated by the ethics of aesthetic representation. Stretching across genres and the globe, Terrible Beauty charts a course of aesthetic reconciliation between empathy and evil in the great literature of the twentieth century. The "violent aesthetic"—a category the author traces back to Plato and Nietzsche—accommodates the pleasure people take not only in destruction itself but also in its rendering. As readers, we oscillate between a fascination with atrocity and an ethical imperative to bear witness. Arguing for the immersive experience of literature as particularly conducive to ethical contemplation, Marian Eide plumbs the aesthetic power and ethical purpose of this creative tension. By invoking the reader as complicit—both stricken witness and enthralled voyeur— Terrible Beauty sheds new light on the relationship between violence, literature, and the moral burdens of art.
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Marian's Trust
Marian's Trust
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The Glories of Mary
The Glories of Mary
This all-time Marian classic testifies to Saint Alphonsus De Liguori's profound love for and devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, as well as his keen awareness of the essential role played by the Blessed Virgin in the sanctification of souls. His goal, in this text, is to bring his readers to the awareness of the absolute necessity of cultivating a deep devotion to the Mother of the Redeemer, who is additionally our Spiritual Mother. Saint Alphonsus points out that Mary, being our Mother in the order of grace, has been entrusted by the Most Holy Trinity with the Maternal duty of co-operating with her divine Spouse, the Holy Spirit of God, in giving birth to the Image of Christ in our souls and, subsequently, nourishing our souls with the milk of divine grace. Herein is contained a veritable treasury of deeply moving and devotion-inspiring stories and theological truths concerning the most loving, most powerful, most merciful and most provident of all Mothers, to whom all of the great saints possessed a deep devotion, and without whom souls run the grave risk of falling victim to the wiles of the Adversary. Aware of the countless subtle and insidious heresies and false ideologies that even the most learned of theologians and the most advanced in virtue have succumbed to, precisely because they chose to dispense with holy Mother Mary, St. Alphonsus presents her as the sure protection against, and antidote for, all such attacks on behalf of the Evil One. This work is divided into two parts: in the first of these, our Saint provides a phrase-by-phrase, textual analysis of that ancient classic, the "Salve Regina;" in the second part, the Saint provides the reader with numerous meditations and reflections on myriad Marian themes - including her major feasts, her seven sorrows, her virtues, and practices of popular piety and devotion in her honour. This book will serve as a marvelous introduction to devotion to the Blessed Mother, especially for those Christians who have difficulty understanding why Catholics possess such love, respect and admiration for the Blessed Virgin, as well as the reason why Catholic Christians would choose to be escorted into the presence of Christ the King by His Most Holy and Immaculate Mother Mary.
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St. Faustina's Way of the Cross (5-Pack)
St. Faustina's Way of the Cross (5-Pack)
National Shrine of the Divine Mercy Rector. Sold in 5-packs. Pray the Stations of the Cross just as the pilgrims who visit Eden Hill do. This exceptional prayerbook will lead you to reflect on the Lord's Passion through the eyes and heart of Saint Faustina.
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Moments of Mercy (5-Pack)
Moments of Mercy (5-Pack)
The paper in this volume are organized in three parts: scriptural, contextual and theological. The central question being addressed is: how do Christians living in contexts, where Islam is a majority or minority religion, experience, express or think of the Cross? This is, therefore, an exercise in listening. As the contexts from where these engagements arise are varied, the papers in drawing scriptural, contextual and theological reflections offer a cross-section of Christian thinking about Jesus and the Cross.
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