Dental Hygiene
Text Application to Clinical Practice shows you how to apply what you're learning to clinical practice. Emerging Technologies highlights new and emerging technologies used in practice. Evidence-Based Practice, discussed in an entire chapter as well as in cases throughout the book, emphasizes the importance of finding, validating, and applying the best available evidence from the literature. Spotlight on Public Health presents information on access-to-care issues and what dental hygienists are doing to improve access to care. Teamwork discusses the interdisciplinary collaboration essential to successful oral health care and opportunities for alliances with other oral health professionals, other health professionals, and the community. Professionalism focuses on the wide range of issues, including ethics, appearance, professional organization involvement, and attitude that comprise professionalism and illustrates how they apply to the career of dental hygiene. Procedures, written in a step-by-step format with rationales, help you understand how and why a step should be performed. Case Studies with Review Questions let students apply chapter content to clinical situations. Active Learning Exercises meet the needs of different learning styles to help students develop their critical-thinking skills. Interactive Ebook is your Dental Hygiene text in an easy-to-use, online format. Interactive Audio Case Studies feature short audio scenarios followed by multiple-choice questions that ask students to make critical decisions. Hot Spot Anatomy& Equipment Exercises focus on identifying must-know anatomy and equipment. Communication Exercises ask students to formulate the proper communication strategy for a variety of real-life situations. Flash Cards for each lesson help students master equipment and terminology. Practice Tests assess how well students have mastered each lesson. Pronunciation Guide/Glossary Guide includes pronunciations and short definitions for the key words in each chapter. Fill-in Procedure Exercises present all of the steps in a procedure with one key step missing.