Old Jules Country
Old Jules' Mari Sandoz' widely acclaimed biography of her pioneering father, was published in 1935. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of that event, Old jules Country offers a generous sampling from Miss Sandoz' nonfiction writing. By zealous research, by keen observation and by wide-ranging and deep-probing commentary, all recorded in flowing prose, Mari Sandoz has hewn out for herself a unique niche as an inspired interpreter of the American \Vest. Here are selections from the six volumes of her extraordinary Great Plains Series - 'The Beaver Men', 'Crazy Horse', 'Cheyenne Autumn', 'The Buffalo Hunters', 'The Cattlemen' and 'Old Jules' - and from her trenchant study of a great people, 'These Were the Sioux'. The volume also includes two long essay-articles, 'The Lost Sitting Bull' and 'The Homestead in Perspective', Two hitherto unpublished pieces, 'Snakes' and 'Coyotes and Eagles', and the-poignant 'Evening Song' - a prayer chanted by an imprisoned Cheyenne Chief - round out a striking table of contents. "Old Jules Country," the land of the title, is made up of the region of which the author has written so much-the High Plains of the Dakotas, Nebraska, Wyoming and eastern Montana-the Black Hills, the Badlands, the sandhills of Nebraska, the North Platte, the Niobrara, the Little Missouri and the Yellowstone. This collection provides a stimulating introduction for readers not yet acquainted with her work. For her extensive following, it offers some shorter difficult-to-find and previously unpublished shorter pieces and the opportunity for a satisfying reappraisal of her over-all achievement.