Faculty Guide to Japanese
This interactive CD-ROM program is a powerful tool for beginning learners of Japanese. It is based on the popular textbook Japanese: The Spoken Language, Part I (Yale University Press, 1987). The two-disc set -- available in Macintosh and PC formats -- reflects JSL's sound methodology and, in a rich multimedia environment, complements the textbook with an innovative, interactive, and user-friendly design. It contains 125 "Core Conversation" video clips, activities for practice in context, helpful explanations about language and culture, and tools for student review and assessment, with native conversation models throughout. Whether used in the classroom or for self-study, the CD-ROM program helps students to communicate successfully in Japanese and makes learning both enjoyable and rewarding. A User's Guide, included with the CD-ROMs (and also sold separately), offers clear, concise instructions for the program's most effective use. In addition, it provides comprehensive guidance for learners of Japanese and answers to some of their commonly asked questions. A Faculty Guide is also available to help instructors incorporate into their curricula the components of Japanese: The Spoken Language, Multimedia Collection -- a grouping of new and previously published text, audio, video, and CD-ROM materials that together form a complete package for learning and teaching spoken Japanese at the beginning level.