Memoirs of Margie Mae Heart
The Importance of writing a memoir. It was love, respect and a special need for insight into her parents that gave Margie Mae Heart the inspiration to write this book. In 2011, her mother had a heart attack and stroke. After over six years of being immobilized on a nursing home bed, their relationship had time to rekindle and heal some work that needed to be fulfilled. Her father had heart problems. Watching them care for each other so livingly while remaining eternally optimistic, seeing them laugh at themselves and obstacles, Margie was filled with awe and wonder over their resiliency and their commitment to each other after over forty years of marriage. She realized there was so much about these two very special people that she didn't know. There were questions that she never asked, questions that she fears to ask, questions that simply had not been answered. "It suddenly seemed as if their lives were passing me by," said Margie. Where had I been all those years while they grew old?"This book took many months of hard work to put together, aiming to create a gift that would enable people to experience something that often escapes most of us before we know it. In writing a passage every month, the journaling helped with her grief process and a way to celebrate her parents life while on earth. Her hopes is to encourage you to start a memoir of your own to pass on to your family. With trepidation, trust and love, Margie is giving this personal gift to the people who are dear to her as well as future readers. The sharing of her life is in hopes to open up dialogues with other people and bring about a gratifying new understandings and relationships.