Acquired Neurogenic Communication Disorders
Acquired Neurogenic Communication Disorders: An Integrated Clinical Approach provides an overview of acquired neurogenic communication and swallowing disorders for undergraduate courses in communication sciences and disorders programs. Compared to other books on this subject, this text is organized by anatomical systems and locations, not by disorder. The authors aim to teach students about the cognitive, speech, language, and swallowing disorders that occur with damage to neurological systems in a manner that breaks down silos that artificially separate disorders that routinely co-occur. This approach reflects the reality that most individuals with acquired brain injuries have multiple cognitive, communication, and swallowing disorders. This clinical, systems-based approach will better foster understanding of the effects of acquired damage and degeneration to neurological systems/networks. It includes cases to highlight the incidence and co-occurrence of speech, voice, language, cognitive, and swallowing impairments in real clients who experience these forms of damage. Cases are also representative of a broad range of racial and cultural characteristics, which highlight both similarities (i.e., that anatomy and physiology are the same, regardless of race) and unique differences among people. Most chapters include clinical cases which integrate commonly co-occurring impairments. The intent is to help readers recognize that disorders like aphasia, dysarthria, dysphagia, and cognitive-communication disorders don’t usually occur in isolation but rather together. Many cases include questions to provoke thinking about the overlap between speech, language, cognition, and swallowing. Key Features: Clinical cases based on real clients, embedded into chapters to illustrate specific characteristics of disorders. Full-color layout and illustrations help students make connections between functions, anatomy, and clinical impairments. Assessment and Intervention tables summarize common assessments and interventions for speech, language, cognition, and swallowing. Concept tables include information about subtypes of disorders, components of complex functions, and frameworks. Boxes with activities and additional information to link the content to everyday experiences for generalization of learning. Additional pedagogical aids include: chapter outlines, bolded key terms (as well as Latin and Greek origins and meaning), concise chapter summaries, key concepts lists, and numerous references. Disclaimer: Please note that ancillary content (such as practice activities, eFlashcards, and videos) may not be included as published in the original print version of this book.