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Death in Breslau
Death in Breslau
Introducing one of the most stylish and moody historic detective series ever: The Inspector Eberhard Mock Quartet Occupied Breslau, 1933: Two young women are found murdered on a train, scorpions writhing on their bodies, an indecipherable note in an apparently oriental language nearby ...Police Inspector Eberhard Mock's weekly assignation with two ladies of the night is interrupted as he is called to investigate. But uncovering the truth is no straightforward matter in Breslau. The city is in the grip of the Gestapo, and has become a place where spies are everywhere, corrupt ministers torture confessions from Jewish merchants, and Freemasons guard their secrets with blackmail and violence. And as Mock and his young assistant Herbert Anwaldt plunge into the city's squalid underbelly the case takes on a dark twist of the occult when the mysterious note seems to indicate a ritual killing with roots in the Crusades ...
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The End of the World in Breslau
The End of the World in Breslau
The second installment in the darkly intelligent series that The Independent called “As noir as they get.” 1927, Breslau, Poland: Two elaborate and sadistic murders are discovered within days of each other. The body of an unknown musician, bound and gagged, is found behind a false wall in a shoemaker’s workshop. The victim had been sealed in alive. Elsewhere in the city, the horrifically mutilated body of a locksmith is found. Next to each victim is a torn-out calendar page, with the day of the death marked in blood. Nothing else seems to connect the cases. It falls to Criminal Councillor Eberhard Mock to solve the case, the mystery taking him still further into the Breslau underworld he knows only too well. Meanwhile, his hard-drinking nocturnal habits soon threaten his volatile marriage, and prompt some strange behavior from his wife ... and before long, Mock and his team will be investigating not only two of the grisliest murders in the city’s history, but the councillor’s own wife.
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Phantoms of Breslau
Phantoms of Breslau
Breslau, 1919: the hideously battered, naked bodies of four sailors are discovered on an island in the River Oder. As he pieces together the elements of this brutal crime, Criminal Assistant Mock combs the brothels and drinking dens of Breslau and is drawn into an insidious game: it seems that anyone he questions during the course of the investigation is destined to become the next victim. At the same time, he is haunted by appalling nightmares; only nights spent drinking and carousing can keep his demons at bay. Dark, sophisticated and uncompromising, the distinctive Breslau series has already received broad critical acclaim. Phantoms of Breslau confirms Eberhard Mock as the most outrageous and original detective in crime fiction.
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The Minotaur's Head
The Minotaur's Head
When Abwehr Captain Eberhard Mock is called from his New Year's Eve revelries to attend a particularly grisly crime scene, his notoriously robust stomach is turned. A young girl - and suspected spy - who arrived by train from France just days before, has been found dead in her hotel room, the flesh torn from her cheek by her assailant's teeth. Ill at ease with the increasingly open integration of S.S., Gestapo and police, Mock is partially relieved to be assigned to liaise with officers in Lvov, Poland, where a series of similar crimes - as yet unsolved - cast a long shadow over the town. In Lvov he joins the ongoing investigation conducted by Commissioner Popielksi, a fellow classicist who relies on a highly unorthodox method of deduction. Meanwhile, Popielski is worried by the behaviour of his only daughter, Rita. Her head has been turned by her charismatic drama teacher, and now, unbeknownst to her father, she has started receiving letters from an ardent secret admirer. Eberhard Mock - older, a little wiser, but still a libertine at heart and equally at home in the underworld as in the ranks of authority - once again confirms his position as the most outrageous and unpredictable detective in crime fiction.
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Hands-On High Performance Programming with Qt 5
Hands-On High Performance Programming with Qt 5
Build efficient and fast Qt applications, target performance problems, and discover solutions to refine your code Key FeaturesBuild efficient and concurrent applications in Qt to create cross-platform applicationsIdentify performance bottlenecks and apply the correct algorithm to improve application performanceDelve into parallel programming and memory management to optimize your codeBook Description Achieving efficient code through performance tuning is one of the key challenges faced by many programmers. This book looks at Qt programming from a performance perspective. You'll explore the performance problems encountered when using the Qt framework and means and ways to resolve them and optimize performance. The book highlights performance improvements and new features released in Qt 5.9, Qt 5.11, and 5.12 (LTE). You'll master general computer performance best practices and tools, which can help you identify the reasons behind low performance, and the most common performance pitfalls experienced when using the Qt framework. In the following chapters, you’ll explore multithreading and asynchronous programming with C++ and Qt and learn the importance and efficient use of data structures. You'll also get the opportunity to work through techniques such as memory management and design guidelines, which are essential to improve application performance. Comprehensive sections that cover all these concepts will prepare you for gaining hands-on experience of some of Qt's most exciting application fields - the mobile and embedded development domains. By the end of this book, you'll be ready to build Qt applications that are more efficient, concurrent, and performance-oriented in nature What you will learnUnderstand classic performance best practicesGet to grips with modern hardware architecture and its performance impactImplement tools and procedures used in performance optimizationGrasp Qt-specific work techniques for graphical user interface (GUI) and platform programmingMake Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) performant and use the relevant Qt classesDiscover the improvements Qt 5.9 (and the upcoming versions) holds in storeExplore Qt's graphic engine architecture, strengths, and weaknessesWho this book is for This book is designed for Qt developers who wish to build highly performance applications for desktop and embedded devices. Programming Experience with C++ is required.
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Spaces for Beauty
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Katalog wystawy: Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków, 23.03-23.04.2005 ; Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 07.05-17.07.2005.
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Project Narcissus
This publication concludes the first part of the research project "The shape of the European soul" (No. 202) part-funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, with funds intended for maintaining the research potential of the Department of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.
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Czas zdrajców
Czas zdrajców
Spacer po linie Rok 1935. Do polskiego konsulatu we Wrocławiu zgłasza się młoda rozwódka z ofertą sprzedaży tajnych dokumentów, które mogą wstrząsnąć nie tylko polską, ale nawet europejską polityką. Cena, jakiej za nie żąda, jest jednak zdecydowanie wygórowana. Kapitan Jan Henryk Żychoń, do którego trafia sprawa, szybko dowiaduje się, że Aurelia Teichert de domo Oskiada Inglisjan vel Inglisowicz, oprócz niezwykłych talentów: językowego i pianistycznego, ma ogromną słabość do postawnych mężczyzn o charakterystycznej fryzurze. Postanawia ściągnąć ze Lwowa jednego ze swoich najlepszych ludzi – Edwarda Popielskiego, zwanego Łyssym. Na widok zdjęcia nieprzeciętnej piękności o oczach pełnych orientalnej melancholii Popielski odrzuca wszelkie skrupuły i postanawia przyjąć zadanie – sprawić, by ponętna rozwódka na jakiś czas zapomniała o bożym świecie i dobrowolnie zdradziła mu treść dokumentów. Za nic mając ostrzeżenia Żychonia: „Niech się pan sam w niej nie zakocha!” – rusza do Wrocławia. Spotkanie z piękną Aurelią i z brutalnymi funkcjonariuszami tajnych służb hitlerowskich okaże się najniebezpieczniejszą z jego misji. Misterna gra wywiadów nie jest tutaj pojedynkiem dżentelmenów, lecz wyniszczającą walką prowadzoną przez renegatów, podwójnych agentów i manipulatorów depczących ludzie uczucia. Czas zdrajców to trzymająca w napięciu do ostatniej strony powieść szpiegowska, w której Marek Krajewski wykorzystuje zapomniane karty z historii służb specjalnych Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej.
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Najmroczniejsze śledztwo Mocka Breslau, 1928, szpital psychiatryczny przy Kletschkau Strasse. Eberhard Mock staje twarzą w twarz ze swą dawną kochanką. Jej córka i syn zostali porwani, a ślad po nich zaginął. Od śmierci ukochanej Sophie nic nie wstrząsnęło Mockiem równie mocno jak to spotkanie. Hedwig postradała zmysły: o morderstwo dzieci oskarża własnego męża. Krok po kroku Mock odkrywa upiorne powiązania między tajnym stowarzyszeniem okultystycznym a budowniczymi miasta przyszłości w centrum Wrocławia. Nawet nie domyśla się, jak potężne siły śledzą każdy jego krok. Cmentarne czarne msze, wyuzdane praktyki seksualne i ludzie, którzy nie cofną się przed niczym. Tajne śledztwo zaprowadzi Mocka wprost przed przerażające oblicze prawdy. Czy istnieje granica, której Mock nie przekroczy? Marek Krajewski – autor bestsellerowych powieści kryminalnych. Laureat prestiżowych nagród literackich i kulturalnych. Filolog klasyczny. Miłośnik filozofii stoickiej, pilny czytelnik Marka Aureliusza.
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