Bronze Bird Review
In "Bronze Bird Review," over 100 contemporary poets and writers explore the tender spaces between moment and memory, loss and renewal. From intimate portraits of family relationships to meditations on nature, these works map the geography of human experience with startling clarity. This carefully curated collection features both established and emerging voices, each one illuminating what it means to be present in an ever-shifting world. "Bronze Bird Review" offers a refuge for readers who still value the art and depth of poetry and prose. The selected literature speaks to the complexities of modern life while honoring timeless themes of love, grief, wonder, and resilience. "Bronze Bird Review" was edited by David Pring-Mill and Mila Pring-Mill. It includes poetry and flash fiction written by Ernesto L. Abeytia, Angela Acosta, Henry Alley, George Amabile, Glen Armstrong, Amy Barone, Gary Beck, Marcus Benjamin Ray Bradley, David Breeden, Dan Brook, Douglas G. Campbell, Jennifer Campbell, Jan Chronister, Ron Cooper, Amelia Cotter, Caroline Cottom, Sarah Das Gupta, Diana Decker, Sarah DeCorla-Souza, Laurie Didesch, Danita Dodson, William Doreski, Chen Du, Michael Fallon, Kent Fielding, Patricia Flaherty, Marc Frazier, Marianne Gambaro, Ann Garrett, Gary Glauber, Christopher Greer, Lola Haskins, D. A. Hosek, Amy Hoskins, Vicki Iorio, D. R. James, Erin Jamieson, Arnold Johnston, Jacqueline Jules, Peycho Kanev, Deborah Kennedy, Casey Killingsworth, Jennifer Lagier, Carole Glasser Langille, Ken Letko, Arlene Gay Levine, Lori Levy, LindaAnn LoSchiavo, Al Maginnes, Johnny Masiulewicz, Claire Massey, Claire Hamner Matturro, Dennis Maulsby, Catherine McGuire, R. H. Miler, Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Caridad Moro-Gronlier, Cameron Mount, Sheila E. Murphy, Cynthia Neale, Martina Reisz Newberry, Maureen O'Brien, Tomas O'Leary, Grace C. Ocasio, Noreen Oesterlein, Clarke W. Owens, C.W. Parker, Veronica Patterson, Robert L. Penick, Ronald W. Pies, Frederick Pollack, Ken Poyner, David Radavich, Carlos Reyes, Cheryl A. Rice, Kristin Roedell, Zack Rogow, Sandra Rollins, Lance Romanoff, Liz Rosenberg, Robert Savino, Penelope Scambly Schott, Mara Adamitz Scrupe, LB Sedlacek, Gregg Shapiro, Heather Ann Shepard, Carole Stone, Brad Strahan, Sharon Suzuki-Martinez, Lorene Sweeney, Diane Webster, J. Weintraub, Erin O'Regan White, Barbara Wiedemann, Scott Wiggerman, Frederick Wilbur, Mike Wilson, Francine Witte, Terry Wolverton, Christopher Woods, Kirby Michael Wright, Nick Young, and Ewa Monika Zebrowski.