Theory and Applications for Control and Motion Planning of Aerial Robots in Physical Interaction with Particular Focus on Tethered Aerial Vehicles
This thesis focuses on the study of autonomous aerial robots interacting with the surrounding environment, and in particular on the design of new control and motion planning methods for such systems. Nowadays, autonomous aerial vehicles are extensively employed in many fields of application but mostly as autonomously moving sensors. On the other hand, in the recent field of aerial physical interaction, the goal is to go beyond sensing-only applications and fully exploit the aerial robots capabilities in order to interact with the environment. With the aim of achieving this goal, this thesis considers the analysis of a particular class of aerial robots interacting with the environment: tethered aerial vehicles. This work focuses on the thorough formal analysis of tethered aerial vehicles ranging from control and state estimation to motion planning. In particular, the differential flatness property of the system is investigated, finding two possible flat outputs that reveal new capabilities of such system for the physical interaction. The theoretical results were finally employed to solve the challenging problem of landing and takeoff on/from a sloped surface. In addition, moved by the interest on aerial physical interaction from A to Z, we addressed supplementary problems related to the design, control and motion planning for aerial manipulators.