Children, families and communities:
"I would highly recommend this book ... There is a depth of insight here rarely accessible in parallel literature. It provides an honest, critical and authentic challenge to the emergent literature in areas of inter-professional working, integrated children's services and family support." Children and Society This book draws on the work of Sheffield Children’s Centre, a well-known community cooperative which is recognized worldwide for its cutting edge approach and models of good practice that have emerged from community participation. Gaining an insight into the work of the Centre contributes to a better understanding of the challenges, issues, difficulties and opportunities which confront integrated services for children and families. The authors illustrate how, through working closely with the local community and through hearing the voices of children and adults, service provision for children and families can meet needs and change lives. The book: Looks at the alternative approach of Sheffield Children’s Centre, where multi-professional working has grown through common principles and aspirations rather than through policy imperative and legislation Details innovative practices and approaches to holistic work with children and families Explores the challenges and celebrations of working with a wide range of children, families and communities both in the UK and internationally It has particular resonance with the multi-professional agendas now required by Every Child Matters and the Children Act (2004) and is groundbreaking in terms of re-thinking support for communities perceived to be ‘in difficulty’, in fostering community cohesion and promoting active participation in community regeneration from a childcare perspective, working from grassroots upwards. Children, Families and Communities is ideal for researchers, policy makers, practitioners and students training to work with children and families from a range of disciplines such as education, health and social services, including those pursuing the NPQICL (National Professional Qualification for Integrated Centre Leadership) qualification and the EYPs (Early Years Professional Status).