Los días de Josepha Ordóñez
Narrated in this book are episodes from the life of a famous Spanish woman who entertained the Novohispanic court and society during the second half of the 18th century. The woman was Josepha Ordóñez, famous for her beauty and abilities. At the height of her achievements, she had managed despite her common origins to get involved in illegal businesses with the most important men in the kingdom and had become the most favored courtesan. She also had to suffer the moralist discourse and censorship of other administrations that punished her for her licentious way of living with imprisonment, exile and confiscation of her property. She was also famous for attempting to divorce her husband, with whom she was forced to live. She never ceased to defend her right to separate from a man who, until the end, she mistrusted, and she filed complaints and initiated disputes against him for slander. All of this ended with a definitive verdict from the courts in favor of her husband. The eyes of censorship maintained their gaze on Ordóñez until 1766, when she attended a bullfight where the court and the main actors in this story congregated, including the relentless visitor José de Gálvez, who had a great deal to do with her misfortunes. All of this makes it possible for the author to address the everyday life of that era, based on the paths that took Josepha through the world of politics, theater, fiestas, play, religiosity, matrimony, divorce, moral obligations, and lastly, the amorous intrigue that clearly permeated the customs and sentiments of that time.