Las historias de un grito
Major exhibition catalogue of the art, photography, graphic art, and decorative art related to Colombian Independence. Divided into nine chapters with extensive texts. Novel historic viewpoint that explores how the events and personages of the Independence movement have been portrayed and represented by different actors and institutions like museums, archives, academia, the universities and the social and political organizations for the last 200 years. The museographic script proposes 3 different tours that invite reflections over the representations or images where the Colombians have learned about their past, and where in this bicentennial, contrasting to the one celebrated 100 years ago where Colombians were unified under "one race, language and religion", or the central government impositions or forgot the cruelty of war. The first station called 'Portal Americas' exhibits the first images of liberty, territory and construction of patriotic symbols and rituals. The second station 'Estación héroes' reflects on how the 'heroes" has been the main promotional instrument of the construction of history. The third station 'Estación pueblo' shows the ambivalent conception of popular participation, particularly regarding the excluded and restricted citizens such as blacks, Indians, slaves, women and all others whom actively participated in historic events and have always been underestimated by the political elite. Texts by María Victoria de Robayo, Olga Isabel Acosta Luna, Yobenj Chicangana Bayona, Cristina Lleras Figueroa, Antonio Ochoa Flórez, Amada Carolina Pérez Benavides, Juan Ricardo Rey Márquez, Carolina Vanegas Carrasco and Maite Yie Garzón.