The Resili(g)ence publication is part of the outputs produced within the European project KAAU, Knowledge Alliance for Advanced Urbanism (, Erasmus + program, and consists of two volumes: the first Resili(g)ence Intelligent Cities / Resilient Landscapes offers reflections on the general framework and on the theme of resilience applied to intelligent cities and the landscape, while the second volume GOA Resili(g)ent City, analyzes the case study of Genoa. The term Resili(g)ence is presented in these pages as a neologism coined by the team responsible of the GIC.Lab (DAD-UNIGE) to define those strategies of approach to our cities and environments of life, exchange and relationship, capable of combining Urban Resilience and Urban Intelligence, simultaneously. As will be seen later in some of the texts that make up this publication, both voices are called, intersected, combined and intertwined, in many of their meanings and possible connotations. The structure of this publication includes 4 different sections that articulate the different contributions and approaches that are conjugated here. – A first section (Foreword and Framework) introduces, in fact, the context and the framework of reflection and the different connotations associated with it. – A second section (Crossing Scenarios) articulates various contributions generated around the GIC.Lab of Genova and the ADD (Doctorate in Architecture and Design) of the DAD (Department Architecture and Design - UNIGE) by responsible, collaborators and researchers. This approach defends, in large part, a holistic vision in the contemporary approach to the city and its complex relationship with the environment, focusing mainly on aspects of reading and strategic-landscape and social projection. – A third section (Key-Cases of Study) presents a selection of experiences and exemplary case studies, ordered according to their interest and level of complexity in various topics related to the Urban Resilience + Intelligence combination (mapping, managing, planning, landing, designing, socializing). – A fourth section (MED.NET.KAAU Symposium) synthesizes positions, experiences and reflections presented in this meeting, structured in turn in three basic sections (mapping + managing, planning + landing, designing + socializing). – A final section (Backstage Gallery) shows a series of images and pictures of the event, made by different collaborator that contextualize and personalize the atmosphere and the plural cultural, professional, teaching and scientific – nature of a meeting with a double vocation, academic and civil. This document of synthesis can be seen as a concentration of voices and stimuli, also complemented by the publication International Forum Med.Net 03 Resili(g)ence. ADD Scientific Meeting. Conference Proceedings (Papers Docs. Barcelona 2016) where are collected the papers, acts and proceedings of this scientific conference, held in parallel to the KAAU Symposium and more focused on environmental and territorial issues, addressed from a broad multidisciplinary spectrum. With these lines we would also like to thank all those collaborators who have made these reflections possible (teachers, students, assistants, members of the KAAU consortium and the various cultural associations and professional collaborators) for their generous effort and proactive energy.