Signs of madness
These are happy stories, written at night, about fallen characters. To those who are united by desire, no matter if fulfilled or not, of each one of its inhabitants: desire to die, to revenge, to transform their life, to be better. They are, moreover, full of humor, and absurdness, because I consider it the best way to approach disappointment. The reader will find that each one of them is part of a whole, as a body, in which sometimes the organs (characters) are subordinated to the inertial movement of the circumstances (development of argument), and work only by obligation. The purpose of these stories, which is the author"s, is to approach the original form of everyday life. But not to that of breads and chickens (for fish). The pretension is to submerge in the psychology of common characters, almost legendary, to subvert every prejudice or affiliation towards them. That is why each character does not subordinate the story to itself, but is going to face it as best it can. Perhaps for some time, the reader may be surprised by loving, as a result of solidarity, one of these literary entities. He runs the risk in addition to feel identified, falling on the so feared "what would I do if I had such a thing happen to me."