Relacion de la vida y virtudes del Venerable Hermano Pedro de S. Joseph Betancur ... Por el P. Manuel Lobo, de la Compañia de Jesus ... Nuevamente añadida con selectas annotaciones, y constantes noticias, y ampliada, con notables corollarios ... Por el P. Fr. Francisco Vasquez ...
A biography of Pedro de San José Bethencourt, a Franciscan of the Third Order and founder of the Belemite Hospitallers' Order of Guatemala; based on the account published by the Jesuit, Manuel Lobo, Guatemala, 1667, and Seville, 1673, under a similar title, but re-written, annotated, and greatly amplified by Vázquez, Franciscan chronicler of Guatemala. There are prefaces by Vázquez and Lobo, a signed and sealed statement on behalf of the Franciscan Order, approving publication of the Vázquez version, Guatemala City, April 5, 1724, and material added by Vázquez regarding pertinent events after the death of Bethencourt.