Classic and modern
There are things that do not change: every day dawns, every week our soccer team plays and every autumn the leaves fall from the trees and the mushrooming season begins. But other things are also happening: every week the streets contemplate in amazement how some lout is the victim of a scam more popular than mixed paella. Yes, scams, because they still exist today, so many years after their golden age. They were the sixties and seventies, in which the scam of the stamp and the tocomocho were part of the cultural heritage, in a grotesque manifestation of the picaresque that had so much prestige in our country (and retained: the news section confirms it daily) , as a containment dam for modernity. The truth is that, with a greater or lesser degree of elaboration in the arts of deception, The goal of scams and scams has almost always been the same: to cajole and deceive the unwary who, in a favorable situation, cannot suppress the very human dream of suddenly and effortlessly becoming a wealthy person. The promoters of lotteries, pools, primitives, coupons and other gambling systems know this well, the main attraction and argumentative hook of which is the enormous amount of the prize, its ability to alter - at once - the life of the lucky person, to change daily economic problems for a future that banishes forever the red numbers at the end of the month: "Indeed, there are few possibilities, but what if it touches?"