What has Islam given to Humankind?
To me 'civilization' means: "every integrated paradigm that is capable of organizing the relationship among the values of 'right', 'liberty', and 'order'". Every such an integrated paradigm should ostensibly or inherently include a tentative comprehension of the world's existence, its nature, and of humanityman and its relationship with that world. According to such a scheme of thought, every civilization delineates its stand regarding the existence of God; thereby predicating the issue of the birth of the universe on that stand towards the existence or non-existence of God. The relationship among these three values is the focus of man's movement on earth. Heavenly revelations as well as holistic human intellectual ideas (i.e. ideologies) they all shape certain visions with which man attempts to rearrange and organize this relationship in a way that is characteristic of, or emulating, religions. In as much as organizing the relationship among these values, which we see as governing values, has to be based mainly and necessarily on assigning certain definitions to these very values, then we find that the human history is almost an argument between the 'philosopher' and the 'prophet'. This leads us to begin with the definition of 'certainty', which is the mother of civilization. Mamdouh Al-shikh