Cage Aquaculture
Since the first edition of this book, 17 years ago, aquaculture hasconsolidated its position as an important means of producing foodand as a contributor to global food security. Cage aquaculture toohas continued to expand apace. The third edition of this important,useful and well-received book maintains the original aim ofproviding a thorough synthesis of information on cages and cageaquaculture practices with data and examples encompassing all majorworld regions. Fully updated, the book’s comprehensive contents includedetails of the origin and principles of cage aquaculture and anoverview of its current position. Contents of the chaptersfollowing include key information on cage design and construction,site selection, environmental impacts and environmental capacity,management, and potential problems in cage aquaculture systems. Acomprehensive reference list and index are included to helpreaders. The volume is essential reading for all personnel involved infish and shellfish farms that use cages, and for all thoseembarking on a career in aquaculture. Cage manufacturers and otherssupplying the aquaculture trade will find much of commercial usewithin the book. All those involved in aquaculture research andequipment design should have a copy of this most useful book. Alllibraries in universities and research establishments whereaquaculture, environmental science, aquatic science, fish biologyand fisheries are studied and taught should have several copies ontheir shelves.