Jedburgh Operations: Support To The French Resistance In Eastern Brittany From June-September 1944
Specially trained teams, known as Jedburghs, were inserted into France in conjunction with Operation “Overlord,” to help liberate it from German occupation. The Jedburghs were three-man allied teams, comprised of two commissioned officers, (at least one French) and a non-commissioned officer in charge of the radio (wireless telegraphy). All Jedburghs were volunteers. They received highly specialized training in guerrilla warfare. Jedburghs served in harm’s way, deep behind enemy lines. They were subordinate to the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), and its commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower. Their covert mission in Operation “Overlord” helped pave the way for the liberation of France, and ultimately resulted in a campaign to free Europe from Nazi rule. This study explores the origins, purpose, training and missions of the Jedburghs. I will examine the actual operations of seven Jedburgh teams in Eastern Brittany. Their actions and effectiveness will be compared with operations of other Jedburgh teams.