Maggi Hambling the Works
"Maggi Hambling, one of today's most celebrated British artist, takes a revealing and often hilarious look at her career to date. In a series of frank conversations with Andrew Lambirth, Hambling surveys her innovative and often controversial output as painter and sculptor." "Public recognition came in 1980 when she was chosen as the first Artist in Residence at the National Gallery. Later, through her idiosyncratic appearances on Channel 4's cult television art quiz 'Gallery', chaired by George Melly, Hambling became visible to a wider audience. Prolific and unafraid of confrontation, Hambling has followed the dictates of a demanding muse, rather than pandering to the conventions of the art world. Her work engages profoundly with the condition in images of tough but lyrical figuration highly appropriate for a new century."--BOOK JACKET.