Hearing Impaired Students: Adjustment, Achievement Motivation And Academic Achievement
Physical handicap is one of the major problems of adjustment, that too, hearing impairment is proved one of the grave hindrances in developing proper adjustment to several things of human life and living. As the adjustment of hearing impaired differs significantly from that of the normal, their achievement motivation and academic achievement may also vary. That is why this study has been taken up to identify the adjustment, achievement motivation and academic achievement of hearing impaired students. The adjustment of the hearing impaired students is moderate and the achievement motivation and academic achievement of them is average. The association among adjustment, achievement motivation and academic achievement is positively significant and hence the concerned people should take care of this aspect and do the needful to enhance the adjustment, achievement motivation and academic achievement of the hearing impaired students. This study will be of great use to the special teachers, academic administrators and parents with hearing impaired children to take care of the components concerned to adjustment, achievement motivation and academic achievement of hearing impaired students.