Model Music Programs
Model Music Programs: Ideas for Everyone presents practical applications from the selected programs, as well as the best of the rest of the applicants, to share with all music educators. Learn how creative music teachers have built successful music programs in categories such as obtaining outside funding, partnering with the community, serving students with special needs, multicultural and interdisciplinary learning, and collaborating with professionals. In addition, use the wealth of resources to replicate the successful aspects of the model programs. In a nationwide search for model music programs, MENC judges selected twelve programs for special recognition. Model Music Programs: Ideas for Everyone showcases the selected programs in four categories: technology, interdisciplinary and multicultural learning, music for all, and standards-based learning. See how each selected program handles resources, scheduling, facilities, community and booster club support, as well as budget and school administration support. Model Music Programs: Ideas for Everyone also examines characteristics that contributed to the success of the model programs: adequate resources, universality, exemplary personnel, strong community ties, and a clear creative vision.