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Moving Planets Around
Moving Planets Around
An introduction to the laws of celestial mechanics and a step-by-step guide to developing software for direct use in astrophysics research. This book offers both an introduction to the laws of celestial mechanics and a step-by-step guide to developing software for direct use in astrophysics research. It bridges the gap between conventional textbooks, which present a rigorous and exhaustive exposition of theoretical concepts, and applying the theory to tackle real experiments. The text is written engagingly in dialogue form, presenting the research journey of the fictional Alice, Bob, and Professor Starmover. Moving Planets Around not only educates students on the laws of Newtonian gravity, it also provides all that they need to start writing their own software, from scratch, for simulating the dynamical evolution of planets and exoplanets, stars, or other heavenly bodies.
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Moving Planets Around
Moving Planets Around
An introduction to the laws of celestial mechanics and a step-by-step guide to developing software for direct use in astrophysics research. This book offers both an introduction to the laws of celestial mechanics and a step-by-step guide to developing software for direct use in astrophysics research. It bridges the gap between conventional textbooks, which present a rigorous and exhaustive exposition of theoretical concepts, and applying the theory to tackle real experiments. The text is written engagingly in dialogue form, presenting the research journey of the fictional Alice, Bob, and Professor Starmover. Moving Planets Around not only educates students on the laws of Newtonian gravity, it also provides all that they need to start writing their own software, from scratch, for simulating the dynamical evolution of planets and exoplanets, stars, or other heavenly bodies. The first half of the book develops a fully functional N-body integrator, using state-of-the art integration techniques, explaining both the techniques and the reasons that they are useful. The second half of the book focuses on using an advanced integration scheme to conduct real research, leading students in an investigation of the long-term dynamical stability of extrasolar circumbinary planets. At the end of the journey, students will be ready to design, conduct, and publish peer-review quality research.
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Landscapes Clear and Radiant
Landscapes Clear and Radiant
"Wang Hui, the most celebrated painter of late-seventeenth-century China, played a key role both in reinvigorating past traditions of landscape painting and in establishing the stylistic foundations for the imperially sponsored art of the Qing court. Drawing upon his protean talent and immense ambition, Wang developed an all-embracing synthesis of historical landscape styles that constituted one of the greatest artistic innovations of late imperial China." "This comprehensive study of the painter, the first published in English, features three essays that together consider his life and career, his artistic achievements, and his masterwork - the series of twelve monumental scrolls depicting the Kangxi emperor's Southern Inspection Tour of 1689. The first essay, by Wen C. Fong, closely examines Wang Hui's genius for "repossessing the past," his ability to engage in an inventive dialogue with previous masters and to absorb their stylistic personae while making works that were distinctly his own. Chin-Sung Chang next traces the entire trajectory of Wang's development as an artist, from his precocious youth in the village of Yushan, through growing local and national fame - first as a copyist, then as the creator of groundbreaking panoramic landscapes - to the ultimate confirmation of his stature with the commission to direct the Southern Inspection Tour project. Focusing on this extraordinary eight-year-long effort, Maxwell K. Hearn's essay discusses the contemporary sources for the scrolls, the working methods of Wang and his assistants (comparing drafts with finished versions), and the artistic innovations reflected in these imposing works, the extant examples of which measure more than two feet high and from forty-six to eighty-six feet long." "This publication accompanies the exhibition "Landscapes Clear and Radiant: The Art of Wang Hui (1632-1717)," held at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, from September 9, 2008, through January 4, 2009."--BOOK JACKET.
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Stress, Trauma and Synaptic Plasticity
Stress, Trauma and Synaptic Plasticity
This book presents the latest state of knowledge on grey matter changes in the brain following stress and trauma. Where do these changes take place and what are the underlying molecular mechanisms? These questions are addressed in several sections, providing detailed insights into the cellular and molecular alterations that occur in the brain after stress and trauma. The changes to the grey matter in certain areas of the brain are similar in stressed humans and animals, with the most likely basis for these changes being the degeneration of synaptic connections. In the book’s first sections the reader will learn about the core network of synaptic connections that are affected by stress and trauma disorders. These synaptic connections are modulated by dopamine, serotonin and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). In subsequent chapters, the NMDA-receptor mediated plasticity of these synapses is discussed, with particular attention given to how glucocorticoids can interfere with the function of BDNF and thereby affect the synapse’s physical stability. Furthermore, the reader will learn about the importance of the genetics of the glucocorticoid gene and the epigenetic control of BDNF in connection with synaptic plasticity. The authors conclude by integrating the observations summarized in the previous sections so as to present plausible hypotheses regarding the identity of the networks, synapses and molecular pathways that support fear and extinction. Providing an up-to-date overview of the mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and physiological changes in the stressed and traumatized brain, this book will appeal to researchers, clinicians and students in the neurosciences. M. R. Bennett AO is an internationally renowned neuroscientist. He is a professor of Neuroscience & University Chair at the University of Sydney, the founding director of the ‘Brain and Mind Research Institute’ and has been the president and organizer of many societies and symposia. His research has led to groundbreaking revelations in understanding synaptic functioning. He is the author of numerous papers and books, including ‘Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience’ (2003 with Peter Hacker) and the recent works ‘Virginia Woolf and Neuropsychiatry’ (2013), ‘History of Cognitive Neuroscience (2008 with Peter Hacker) and ‘Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind and Language (2006 with Daniel Dennett, John Searle and Peter Hacker). Prof. Bennett has received the leading award in biology and medicine in Australia (the Macfarlane Burnet Medal) as well as being made an ‘Office of the Order of Australia’ for his outstanding ‘service to the biological sciences, particularly in the field of neurosciences’. Professor J. Lagopoulos is the inaugural director of the Sunshine Coast Mind and Neuroscience – Thompson Institute, which focuses on mental health and neurological research, clinical services and teaching. He is an expert in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and has been involved in neuroimaging for over 20 years. His work focuses on youth mental health, post-traumatic stress disorders, traumatic brain injury and healthy brain ageing and dementia. Prof. Lagopoulos is a leading academic and medical specialist who has published more than 170 peer-reviewed papers and contributed to several books. He is member of numerous international societies, including the ‘International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine’ and the ‘Organization of Human Brain Mapping’. He has received several awards, including the ‘Westmead Foundation Prize’.
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Whitney Biennial
Whitney Biennial
Since 1932, the Whitney Museum's Biennial Exhibitions have counted among the milestones in the history of American art and have played a leading role in presenting vanguard developments in art to the general public. Countless prominent artists have made their museum debut at these diverse surveys of painting, sculpture, works on paper, film and video, performance, and installation. For the eagerly awaited first Biennial of the new millennium, the Whitney has assembled a versatile team of curators from around the nation to select and invite the participating artists. Once again, the Whitney will help to establish a critical perspective on the latest creative achievements by American artists.
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Using Data to Improve Student Learning
Using Data to Improve Student Learning
This book offers a coherent research-based overview and analysis of theories and practices in using data to improve student learning. It clarifies what 'use of data' means and differentiates the different levels of decision-making in education (relating to the system, district, school, classroom, or individual student). The relationship between data and decision-making is considered and various movements in the use of data to improve student learning are analysed, especially from the perspective of their assumptions and effects. This leads to a focus on effective educational decision-making as a social process requiring collaboration among all relevant participants. It also requires a clear understanding of educational aims, and these are seen to transcend what can be assessed by standardised tests. The consequences of this analysis for decision processes are explored and conclusions are drawn about what principles might best guide educational practice as well as what ambiguities remain. Throughout, the focus is on what existing research says about each of the issues explored.
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Titanium in Medicine
Titanium in Medicine
This comprehensive book provides state-of-the-art scientific and technical information in a clear format and consistent structure making it suitable for formal course work or self-instruction. The authors are drawn not only from academic institutions but also from industry, so that practical aspects of implant fabrication and material handling are covered that are often lacking in biomaterials texts. Besides readers with a general interest in biomaterials, the book will interest materials investigators, surgeons and dentists using titanium implants, medical scientists and engineers, as well as lecturers at universities or institutes who would benefit by having ready access to authoritative information on the use of titanium for implants, devices and instruments. More information:
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The Great Bronze Age of China
The Great Bronze Age of China
Describes the Chinese Bronze Age, including the development of the Chinese state, writing, religion and architecture.
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Las Poincianas
Las Poincianas
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