The Travis Traveling Medicine Show
This Novel tells about the practice of American medicine from colonial times through the 20th century, and its effects. Medicine was in its infancy. Epidemics of malaria, dysentery, yellow fever, and others, decimated the populace. Medications were few, and deadly elements like arsenic and opium were commonly used. Fortunately, Traveling Medicine Shows brought cures, and elixirs (magical or medicinal), plus entertainment, to the people living in small and large towns and cities. They relieved the boredom of open spaces and rural living; some of them brought musical entertainment. The Travis Traveling Medicine Show had a sterling reputation. It provided medications to the populace, and was ethical in not selling any medicine they thought would harm their customers. The main characters, Charles Reynolds and Carole Blanchard, live in Schenectady, New York. Charles studied to become an apothecary, and Carole became a singer and took voice lessons in famous musical conservatories. They were both hired by the Travis Traveling Medicine Emporium and performed as its top singers. It is possible that young apothecaries who frequented the Shows may have learned of the toxicity of certain patent medicines from customers of the Shows, and decided to look into the matter and if possible, eliminate them. The motivated young men and women employed in Patent Medicine Production and Marketing, sometimes found each other and fell in love. This is also their story.