Small Group Ministry in the 21st Century/[contributors, M. Scott Boren]
Build Your Small Group Ministry! Do you lead a small group? Coach small group leaders? Direct small groups at your church? Use this fresh, ready-to-go tool to rev up your group, encourage spiritual growth, build community, reach out to othersaand have fun along the way! You'll find tons of ideas to make small groups effective, and grow closer to Jesus and each other. # More than 600 ideas! Organized in 8 sections: Get Your Group Going a Warm-ups, wrap-ups, approaches to group prayer, child-care solutions, sample meeting agendas, and more # Keep Your Group Going Strong a Ways to welcome new members, get everyone more involved, and deal with problems # Easy Ways to Breathe Energy into a Stagnant Group a Ideas for places to meet, fun small group activities, and small group movie nights # Get to Know Each Other Better a Practical ideas to show you care, questions to deepen group relationships, and great ways to encourage the people in your group # Fresh Ways to Foster Spiritual Growth a Creative ways to approach Bible study, practical ways to live out what you team, and ideas for small group worship # Great EscapesaWhen Your Group Needs to Depart from the Ordinary a Includes ready-to-go special occasion Bible studies and one-day retreats for small groups # Serve Beyond Your Group a Ideas for outreach within your church, ways to serve your community, and tips to help groups plan and prepare to reach out. Ideas for Leading Specialty Groups a Tips for men's, women's, singles, seniors, and family/intergenerational groups Reproducibles included! Bonus: Cross-reference notes link relating ideas!