Los "gallegos" en el imaginario argentino
"Los gallegos de Galicia (que terminaron englobando en su gentilicio a todos los espanoles), cruzan la Historia argentina. Sin embargo, pese a su enorme incidencia demografica y cultural, no abundan los estudios especificos sobre sus representaciones en el imaginario colectivo. El presente libro se propone saldar esa deuda, rastreando sus huellas en la prensa (Caras y Caretas), en el sainete o genero chico criollo, y en la considerada 'alta literatura'"--Publisher's website The Galicians of Spain's Galicia (a designation which ended up being used to describe all of the inhabitants of Spain), traverse Argentina's history. However, despite their enormous demographic and cultural impact, there are not many specific studies regarding their representation in the collective imagination of Argentina. This book attempts to address this deficit, researching their depiction in the press (as in Faces and Masks magazine), in farces, Argentine drama, popular theater, and in "scholarly literature."