From rags: 1863-1882 -- Emerson's empire beings: 1882-1895 -- Cold cash: 1896-1900 -- Salt bandwagon: 1901-1905 -- Soda ash is where it's at: 1906-1910 -- The very fair senator: 1911-1916 -- Boxes, bags and trolleys: 1917-1920 -- The affluent life: 1921-1922 -- Soaring to new highs and digging to new lows: 1923-1931 -- The final years: 1931-1935.
This book features a letter of the alphabet and includes familiar images, word labels, direct picture-text match, and sight word vocabulary to help readers at Kindergarten reading level to develop phonemic awareness and phonic skills.
Lenny is the story of the meeting of two different cultures, two different social classes, and two different generations in one improbable friendship. It takes the reader through time and distance from a present-day cemetery burial back to the forties when a young black man joined the Red Tail fighter squadron that protected American Bombers through to the sixties when a young white man started his railroad career and how their two lives intertwined.