Slow Travels-California and Nevada
This edition in the Slow Travels series is an update of our California guide, now combined with Nevada into one. Much of the text is edited from the American Guide Series of the 1930’s and 40’s, with updated historical information, improved directions, and material from additional sources. All locations have been verified using GPS coordinates, as well as from satellite imagery and first hand knowledge. The California section explores current U.S. 50 and 395, as well as the former routes of U.S. 40, 60, and 99 which are no longer designated as such. The cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, and San Diego are explored along these routes. The Nevada section follows U.S. Highways 6 and 50 east to west across the state, and U.S. 93 and 95 north to south. In addition, the former route of U.S. 40 is retraced along the Humboldt River, the route of emigrants along the California Trail from Utah and Idaho.All routes include reference maps and GPS coordinates for all listed sites.