In this book I answer two questions: How does Astrology work? What useful does it offer to strengthen self-knowledge? As has been known for more than a century, what goes on in someone’s unconscious largely determines how they deal with themselves and life situations. The archetypal interpretation of the Natal Chart makes it possible to identify and qualify the dynamics and origin of the contents of the person’s psyche and, therefore, define which unconscious contents reside there and which ones (and to what degree of intensity) may be in conflict with the conscious intentions and preferences of the person. person, generating behavioral difficulties and blocks in the development of potential. Being able to be used as a probabilistic diagnostic resource for the personality of any person, regardless of ethnicity, age, gender or cultural level, Behavioral Astrology provides a good definition of unconscious characteristics, existing potentials and installed affective-emotional conditioning, in an attempt to offer a broad understanding of what has guided the person in their actions and interpersonal relationships, loving, family, professional, social, corporate, etc. With the formidable possibility that, with regard to support for psychotherapies, information about the person’s unconscious, through the interpretation of the Natal Chart, can be used by therapists from different theoretical currents and intervention techniques, that is, who adopt psychoanalytic and Jungian strategies , Reichian, Gestaltist, humanist or transpersonal approach, among others, regardless of the level of knowledge or understanding they have of Archetypal Astrology, since what matters is the information provided that is valid for the therapeutic work in progress or to be started.