Indian Defence Review 32.4 (Oct-Dec 2017)
IN THIS VOLUME: The World after the 19th Party Congress - Lt Gen JS Bajwa (Editor) ------------------------------------------- INDIAN DEFENCE REVIEW COMMENT : Indian Military Doctrine: An Analysis - Gp Capt Johnson Chacko ------------------------------------------- Surface Air Defence Missile Systems: Potent and Relevant - Air Marshal Anil Chopra Force Multipliers for the IAF: Enhancing Aerial Power and Reach - Gp Capt Joseph Noronha Modernisation of the IAF’S Helicopter Fleet - Gp Capt AK Sachdev LCA Tejas: Still a Long Way - Air Marshal Anil Chopra The Nuances of Air Threat and its Implications - Lt Gen VK Saxena Integrated Simulators for Training of Mechanised Forces: The Way Ahead - Maj Gen Rajiv Narayanan The Space Race, The Cold War - Martand Jha Oil - Is it a Dyaing Resource? - Air Marshal Dhiraj Kukreja Electronic Warfare: Emerging Trends in Technology - Col Subhasis Das Will jihad kill China-Pakistan Economic Corridor!!! - RSN Singh Fifth-Generation Fighter Aircraft for the IAF: A Mirage or Reality? - Gp Capt Joseph Noronha Role of the IAF in a Two-Front War - Gp Capt AK Sachdev Army to get its own Apaches Attack Helicopters - Lt Gen BS Pawar Aerospace and Defence News - Priya Tyagi Rise of China: An Enigma - Col Anil Athale Logjam in Indigenous Aircraft Production - Prof SN Misra Infantry’s Day as it Was - Danvir Singh Battleground Afghanistan - Lt Gen Prakash Katoch North Korea and South China Sea Flashpoints: Are worthwhile Options left on US Table? - Maj Gen SB Asthana Central Armed Police Forces: Do we really care? - Rakesh Kr Sinha To ‘Act East’, Act in the North East India First! - Col Anil Athale The New Line-up in China’s Defense Forces - Claude Arpi Virtual Currencies: Bitcoin as an Emerging Terror Financing Threat to India - Dr SV Raghavan J&K: The Sacrifice of Past Generations should not go in Vain - Col Jaibans Singh