Election Law (paperback)
This book is a 2016 paperback printing of the 2012 Election Law, Fifth Edition, casebook. The first edition of Election Law was the first modern casebook on the subject of election law. Now in its fifth edition, the leading election law casebook covers the right to vote and voter turnout, legislative districting, the Voting Rights Act, racial gerrymandering cause of action, ballot propositions, constitutional rights and obligations of political parties, bribery, regulation of campaign speech, campaign finance, and election administration. The streamlined and student-friendly fifth edition of Election Law fully covers developments in election law in the 2012 election season including: extensive coverage of Citizens United, super PACs, and other campaign finance developments; emerging issues in voting rights and redistricting, including coverage of the Texas redistricting and voter identification cases; and new coverage of issues in judicial elections. It will continue to include perspectives from law and political science, and is appropriate in both law and political science courses. The extensive campaign finance coverage makes the book appropriate for a campaign finance seminar as well. Supplement Description The 2015 Supplement to the fifth edition of Election Law: Cases and Materials is up to date through the end of the Supreme Court's October 2014 term. It includes an edited version of the Supreme Court's new campaign finance case, McCutcheon v. FEC, an edited version of Shelby County v. Holder, and coverage of the Supreme Court's consideration of new redistricting cases from Alabama and Arizona, raising new questions about racial gerrymandering claims and the scope of state power to enact citizen redistricting commissions for congressional districts via voter initiative. The supplement also considers developments in Voting Rights Act litigation after the Supreme Court's Shelby County case, including new disputes over voter identification requirements, and covers litigation over citizenship and other state registration and voting requirements under the Elections Clause following the Supreme Court's opinion in Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council. It also covers the Susan B. Anthony false campaign speech case. Professors who adopt this casebook for their courses can receive complimentary copies of the supplement by emailing their requests to comp (at) cap-press (dot) com.