Health Assessment of the Older Individual
Abstract: A reference text designed to help practitioners assess the health of elderly clients reviews normal age changes, deviations from the norm, and usual health problems associated with aging. The first 3 chapters examine the nurses's role in assessment of the oler person, growth and development of the older person; and interviewing for the health history. Chapters 4-6 assess: general apearance and skin, musculoskeletal, and endocrine status; changes in the eye, ear, nose, mouth, and neck; and the cardiac, vascular, respiratory, and hematopoietic systems. The last 3 chapters assess breast, gastrointestinal, sexual, genital, and urinary functioning; mental-emotional and neurological functioning; and community and home assessment. The information enables the practitioner to: assist older people in living optimally, to identify high-risk health profiles; and to identify deviations from the normal so proper changes and actions can be implemented. (kbc).