NSTAR 2001
Positive pion photoproduction and compton scattering at GRAAL / V. Kouznetsov for the GRAAL collaboration -- Virtual compton scattering and pion electroproduction in the nucleon resonance region / G. Laveissiere for the Jefferson Lab Hall A collaboration -- Single spin beam asymmetry measurements from single [symbol] electroproduction in the [symbol](1232) resonance region / K. Joo -- The new crystal ball experimental program / W. J. Briscoe -- Observation of [symbol]-mesic nuclei in photoreactions: Results and perspectives / G. A. Sokol, A. I. L'vov, L. N. Pavlyuchenko -- Baryon spectroscopy: Experiments at PNPI / I. Lopatin -- Measurement of the cross section asymmetry in deuteron photodisintegration by linearly polarized photons in the energy range E[symbol] = 0.8 - 1.6 GeV / A. Sirunian ... [et al.] -- Nucleon resonances in lattice QCD / F. X. Lee -- Lattice study of nucleon properties with domain wall fermions / S. Sasaki -- Quark-hadron duality: Resonances and the onset of scaling / W. Melnitchouk -- Generalized GDH sum rule and spin-dependent electroproduction in the resonance region / J. P. Chen for the Jefferson Lab E94-010 collaboration -- Double polarization measurements using the CLAS at JLab / R. C. Minehart for the CLAS collaboration -- The helicity dependent excitation spectrum of the nucleon and the GDH sum rule / A. Thomas for the GDH- and A2-collaborations -- Static magnetic moment of the [symbol](1232) / M. Kotulla for the TAPS and AS collaborations -- Meson photoproduction at GRAAL / A. D'Angelo ... [et al.] -- Maximum likelihood techniques for PWA of 2-pion photoproduction / J. P. Cummings -- [symbol] electroproduction with CLAS / J. A. Mueller -- Kaon electroproduction and [symbol] polarization observables measured with CLAS / B. Raue for the CLAS collaboration -- Recent results on kaon photoproduction at SAPHIR in the reactions [symbols] and [symbols] / K.-H. Glander for the SAPHIR collaboration -- Vector meson decay of baryon resonances / U. Mosel, M. Post -- Higher and missing resonances in [symbol] photoproduction / Y. Oh, A. I. Titov, T.-S. H. Lee -- Photoproduction of baryon resonances, first data from the CB-ELSA experiment / U. Thoma for the CB-ELSA collaboration -- Laser-electron photon project at SPring-8 / T. Nakano -- The baryon resonance program at BES / B.S. Zou for the BES collaboration -- Flavor symmetry studies with new hyperon data from the crystal ball / B. M. K. Nefkens ... [et al.] for the Crystal Ball collaboration -- Higher resonances and the example of two pion electroproduction with the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab / M. Ripani for the CLAS collaboration -- Nucleon resonances and mesons in nuclei / V. Metag -- Excitation of nucleon resonances / V. D. Burkert -- Summary of the partial wave analysis group of BRAG: Multipole analysis of a benchmark data set for pion photoproduction / R. A. Arndt ... [et al.].