A Guide to the Use of Mechanical Site Preparation Equipment in North Central British Columbia
Field guide to techniques of mechanical site preparation only, not including prescribed burning or chemical treatments, detailed discussion of the biological principles and objectives of scarification, or of operational techniques used in mechanical site preparation. Northern British Columbia includes the sub-boreal spruce, interior cedar-hemlock, Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir, and boreal white and black spruce biogeoclimatic zones in the Prince Rupert, Prince George, and Cariboo Forest Regions. The guide describes 25 types of equipment currently in use or with potential for use; information on 1987 prices, productivity rates and treatment costs, and availability; descriptions of various site preparation objectives and the machines suited to each, a reference table for determining the ability of each type of equipment to perform under different site conditions, and mechanical site preparation interpretations for treatment units in the various zones; and a listing of other publications and research bodies which serve as sources of additional information.