The Nightwatchman
Is God interested in your everyday life, trials, sorrows, grief?..... Yes, indeed. How often have we heard people say, “God doesn’t care about our troubles”, and “God helps those who help themselves”. Well, people can live that way for a while, as long as they have the strength-but, the time comes, when strength fails, and many fall into the ditch of life, and never get up. I’ve found, when we fail, when we lose our strength to go on, when we can’t put on a good front for people, and they may walk out the door.....if we will just call his Name, He will come in. Whatever the problem, whatever the trial, whatever the circumstances- He is only a prayer away, a whisper is all it takes, and I’ve learned through a lifetime of depending on Him- He never fails. He hears, and answers prayer. It may not be overnght, and He may test you to see if you’ll stand in faith. But, He’s proven to me beyond any doubt-His ears are open to the cries of His people. In my life’s journey, I’ve accumulated a lifetime of journal accounts of answers to specific prayers-for my own personal needs, and in intercession concerning nations. It’s my hope, and prayer that those who read this story, will see a consistant pattern of standing against the forces of darkness, and gaining ground in prayer, and victory in the storms, and adversities of life. What God has done for me, He will do for anyone, if they’ll just open the door of their heart, and let Him in.