Private Screenings
She was a true peach. Former Miss Georgia, first runner-up in the Miss America Pageant, Dale Chastain had parlayed her looks, talent, and brains into an education and the job of her dreams—movie reviewer for WNBS-TV Chicago. And he was Sloane Avery, the brilliant critic whose daily column she read avidly, who?e work she revered. But the man himself was another matter. He managed to insult her in private, then attacked her in print. Little did Dale realize that behind the sharp-tongued, cynical, unkempt critic lurked a shy, lonely man in love, a man who would patiently transform himself from frog to prince for her sake. From the Windy City to an embattled English movie set and back, he would astonish her with his tender passion, amaze her with his newfound "style!'But could he really accept that she was beautiful and brainy? If she returned his love, could he believe she really cared?