Stories Around the Table
"Opening it up to any random story will make you feel humbled, grateful, and best of all, not alone."—Anette Radonski, Military Spouse JD Network Conversations are the heart of a gathering among friends. In Stories Around the Table: Laughter, Wisdom, and Strength in Military Life, military spouses, parents, children, and service members gather together to laugh, cry, lend perspective, and share personal stories from their military life experience. From poignant to practical, tragic to humorous, these candid conversations from friends old and new shed heartfelt insight on many aspects of military life: ~ friendship, depression, romance in military marriage, caring for children with special needs in a mobile lifestyle, renewing relationships after deployment, career challenges for spouses, changing schools, post-traumatic stress, faith, grief, and so much more ~ "... will touch your heart."—Phil Paleologos, WBSM "Awesome ... like being with friends."—Leon Francis, KFYR "... you will find yourself laughing, remembering, or grabbing a tissue and pausing to reflect on something that grabs at your heart and won’t let go ..."—Kathleen M. Rodgers, Military Spouse Book Review "Marvelous ... really important book."—Frank Gaffney, Secure Freedom Radio "You will derive strength from it."—Jim Bohannon, The Jim Bohannon Show Award-Winning Book! Foreword Reviews INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards Silver Midwest Book Awards Finalist