Drink Deeply
When chaos has replaced the order in your life and difficulities cause you to consider inappropriate options, DRINK DEEPLY delivers immediate and effective solutions. Even if the source of frustration cannot be identified, whether you have a history with your issue or not, you have access to a tool that never fails. Like a hammer in the hand of a skilled carpenter, a recipe and ingredients in the hand of a master chef, or a pattern and material on the cutting table of a experienced seamstress, DRINK DEEPLY applies the Word of God to smooth the rough places, draw wisdom out of insanity and to accomplish the perfected will of God in the same place that was once occupied by unproductive and unattractive chaos.DRINK DEEPLY is beautifully crafted to let the simplicity of the Word of God bring refreshing, relaxation and refocus to the reader. New images, impressions and notions from God's Word, will ultimately replace the nagging thoughts that annoy and take you out of the abundant life that Jesus Christ so freely gives. Drink your daily cup of wisdom, truth, and love from Jehovah Jireh, our Great Provider. It has been roasted, ground and brewed just for you. Add your own sugar and creamer, (thoughts and musings) and use them to bring glory to God in the midst of the glitches and snags of life. Drink on, drink daily, DRINK DEEPLY.