FRAGMENTS OF EXPERIENCE BY GEORGE Q. CANNON Key features of this book: · Includes a variety of short stories by various authors · For Latter-day Saints · Unabridged with 100% of it’s original content · Available in multiple formats: eBook, original paperback, large print paperback and hard cover · Proper paragraph formatting with Indented first lines, 1.25 Line Spacing and Justified Paragraphs · Properly formatted for aesthetics and ease of reading. · Custom Table of Contents and Design elements for each chapter · The Copyright page has been placed at the end of the book, as to not impede the content and flow of the book. Original publication: 1882 The FRAGMENTS OF EXPERIENCE herein contained are collected at random, but many valuable lessons may be drawn from the incidents narrated, and we trust that the seed which they may sow in the hearts of those who peruse them will be productive of a rich yield of fruit in the kingdom of our Father. This book is the 6th book of the Faith Promoting Series – a collection of 17 books written for Latter-day Saints. These books were largely compiled and published by George Q. Cannon. This book makes a wonderful addition to any Latter-day Saint library At Latter-day Strengths we have taken the time and care into formatting this book to make it the best possible reading experience. We specialize in publishing classic books for Latter-day Saints and have been publishing books since 2014. We now have over 500 book listings available for purchase. Enjoy!