Computing Methods in Optimization Problems
This volume is based on papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Computing Methods in Optimization Problems held in San Remo, Italy, September 9-13, 1968. The Conference was sponsored by the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematicians (SIAM), with the cooperation of the University of California and the Univer sity of California and the University of Southern Califor nia. The Conference focussed on recent advances in com putational methods for optimization problems in diverse areas including: Computational Aspects of Optimal Control and Trajec tory Problems; Computational Techniques in Mathematical Programming; Computational Techniques in Optimization Problems in Economics, Metero1ogy, Biomedicine and Related Areas; Identification and Inverse Problems; Computational Aspects of Decoding and Information Retrieval Problems; Pattern Recognition Problems. The Organizing Committee of the Conference consisted of: A. V. Balakrishnan (U. S. A. ) - Chairman L. W. Neustadt (U. S. A. ) - Co-Chairman L. A. Zadeh (U. S. A. ) - Co-Chairman G. Debreu (U. S. A. ) E. Gilbert (U. S. A. ) H. Kelley (U. S. A. ) J. Rosen (U. S. A. ) J. Lions (France) A. Ruberti (Italy) A. Lepschy (Italy) E. Biondi (Italy) G. Marchuk (U. S. S. R. ) N. Moiseev (U. S. S. R. ) B. Pschenichniy (U. S. S. R. ) The Conference was hosted by the Consiglio Naziona1e Delle Ricerche, Italy. CONTENTS G. Arienti and A. Colonelli Daneri: Computation of the Switching Times in Optimal Control Problems of Bang-Bang Type ******************** 1 M.