Smart Man Hunting
Face it--if dating were easy. . . . . .then you'd never have to sit through another night in your Manolos watching ESPN at a bar, thinking, I got a bikini wax for this? You need proven strategies to boost your confidence, ask the right questions, identify the red flags faster, and know when to say Next!--and when to take a closer look. You need SMART Man Hunting. Liz Kelly, dating coach, speaker and columnist, shares her insider expertise, surveys, and insights to show you how to win the dating game. With 26 A-to-Z man codes that provide a compatibility guide and comic relief, Liz gives you the tools to find the right guy fast. Whether it's Internet dating, speed dating, professional matchmakers, or singles events, SMART Man Hunting prepares you for every situation--and gives you everything you need to get smart, get confident, and get the right guy at last. Very much on target. . .extremely useful strategies. --Sabina Dana Plasse, Editor, Smart Woman The true stories ad reminders of what works and doesn't work in SMART Man Hunting will help you make the right choices. --John Gray, Ph.D., bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus Liz H. Kelly is a dating coach, author, speaker, and columnist. Her book and work have been featured on such shows as FOX News, Lifetime's Speaking of Women's Health, and BBC Radio's WM Late Show, as well as in publications including Cosmopolitan, USA Today, Glamour, and Smart Woman magazine. Liz drew on her corporate management experience in employee training, marketing communications, and sales presentation techniques to create her SMART Man Hunting dating strategy. This strategy incorporates Liz's ABC Man Codes, a lighthearted look at the main Man Types and how to handle them, and grew out of Liz's dating experiences and interviews with hundreds of active daters. This new edition includes an ABC Man Codes Quiz, more success stories, and new tips on sex, style, and wireless world connections. In this book, Liz shares her energetic enthusiasm, No-Fear Attitude, and total commitment to helping you find your man in the 21st century.