A Dog Named Boo
"Nothing is better than a story like A Dog Named Boo. Lisa and Boo's joy at helping others is inspiring; butit's their belief in each other, even when no one else believed, that touched my heart." —Bret Witter, New York Times bestselling co-author of Dewey and Until Tuesday The dunce of obedience class with poor eyesight and a clumsy gait, Boo was the least likely of heroes. Yet with his unflappable spirit and boundless love, Boo has changed countless lives through his work as a therapy dog: helping a mute six-year-old boy to speak, coaxing movement from a paralyzed girl and stirring life in a ninety-four-year-old nun with Alzheimer's. But perhaps Boo's greatest miracle is the way he transformed Lisa Edwards's life, giving her the greatest gift of all: faith in herself. This is the inspiring true story of how one woman and one dog rescued each other, a moving tribute to hope, resilience and the transformative power of unconditional love.