Head and Neck Ultrasonography
Head and Neck Ultrasonography: Essential and Extended Applications, Second Editionis a comprehensive text of point-of-care ultrasonography for clinicians who manage patients with head and neck disorders. The Second Edition has been revised to bring the reader up to date in expanded applications of real-time ultrasonography for the spectrum of conditions that affect the head and neck region in adults and children alike. New to the Second Edition: Abundant high-resolution grey scale (B-mode) and color Doppler images throughoutAugmented chapters on thyroid, parathyroid, salivary gland, and interventional ultrasonographyNew chapters that focus on ultrasound in airway management, pediatrics, global health, and endobronchial proceduresSpecial additional chapters on ultrasound documentation, FNA technique, and accreditationLiberal use of tables that highlight text materialExtensively revised throughout to contain current information, guideline recommendations, reviews, and definitionsThis Second Edition provides new insights, pearls, and practical lessons in ultrasonography for the student of head and neck anatomy, the novice ultrasonographer, and the experienced surgeon or specialist who cares for patients with benign, malignant, or functional disorders of the head and neck.