Faculty Leadership
At its heart, outstanding teaching is about leadership, and reflective practice is the essential foundation for advancing academic leadership in the classroom and beyond. Teaching in higher education is a complex and multi-faceted endeavor. It is highly creative, relational, dynamic and inspiring, and also demanding in a context of changing student expectations and the proliferation of knowledge across all disciplines and professions. Given that learning is completely volitional on the part of your students, high-impact teaching involves inspiring, motivating and facilitating rich and authentic learning experiences. Within all of the complexity of the teaching role, how do you know where you are most effective, and where you can further grow and develop? Reflective practice is the key! Whether you are new to teaching or are an experienced college faculty member, this manual offers a roadmap for your own personal journey of discovery and growth, with a wide range of tools and resources to help you in advancing your teaching excellence. The activities and resources in this manual have been drawn from research and scholarship on teaching in higher education, as well as the lived experience of a diverse group of faculty members and other academic leaders, to support you in your learning journey across the many dimensions of your role. Personal stories, case examples, and reflections from faculty colleagues are offered throughout, bringing the material to life and establishing direct linkages with the ‘art and science’ of teaching and learning. I believe the time spent on reflection is a gift; it allows us the distance necessary to understand the complexity, joy, challenges and learnings of a set of experiences, and then, most critically, to peel apart our emotions and expectations, basking in what worked and adapting to what’s next. This guide offers the tools to get the most from that gift. Whether a new practitioner or seasoned faculty, reflective practice supports your development as an academic leader, making for experiences that are more meaningful for you, and for your students. Ann Buller President and CEO, Centennial College As a faculty member, this Reflective Practice Guide has numerous activities that will help you to not only reflect on teaching excellence but will assist you in developing your ideal teaching self. All the activities in this Reflective Practice Guide were so inspiring to do and reaffirmed my passion for teaching. This manual can help you as faculty to develop to your full potential. Jackie Bishop, RN BScN Med Professor, Nursing