A Dead Man Speaks
Clive January, a black man and successful Wall Street banker. A husband, father and lover of a woman with whom he'd shared an obsessive love since before his marriage to another. And now he's dead, shot in the back at his sumptuous Long Island summer home. When the story opens we see Clive's ghost who has realized that he must work through Bob Greene, the white detective assigned to his case in order to discover his murderer. Clive is trapped in a world between heaven and hell and his only hope for peace is to find out who killed him. Bit by bit, through dreams and by taking over Bob's consciousness, he reveals his life leading up to the murder in the hope that if Bob knows what really happened, he can find Clive's murderer before it's too late. A DEAD MAN SPEAKS is the story of two men who need each other to complete their lives -- one living the other dead --- one to move forward in this life and the other to move forward in the next. It's about two men with two very different lives who are bound together by one murder that neither can escape. Clive January, a black man and brash Wall Street entrepreneur who is hated by many and understood by few and Bob Greene the white detective living in the shadow of a failed career and determined to prove that he's still got it. Bob Greene is psychic and with his gift of clairvoyance, he re-lives the bitter pieces of Clive's life, Clive January the poor boy from the South, who hated himself, never knowing why until it was too late. Clive, the husband and successful Wall street banker whose life had spiraled out of control. Told primarily through Clive's voice and then Detective Bob's, a complex story is layered from their two perspectives, until the truth is revealed in a wrenching ending that neither ever suspected.