Compendium of Clinical Case Studies
Allissa Keane, "Central Nervous System Degeneration with Bilateral Chorea-like Muscle Spasms" ; Amy Schwartz, "Neck Pain with Radiation" ; Andrew Schlabach, "Typhoid Fever Induced Paralysis" ; Anna Helms, "Vaginal Discharge and pruritus vulva in a patient with type II Diabetes" ; Asiya Mahdiyah Shoot, "Roundworm infection with Urinary Tract Infection" ; Brad Caroll, "Massage for Chronic Back Pain Associated with Spondylosis of the Spine" ; Chanel Smythe, "Chronic Epigastric Pain" ; Danielle Lombardi, "Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis" ; Elissa Chapman, "Rheumatoid Arthritis" ; Emma Goulart, "Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accident" ; Felicity Woebkenberg, "Chronic Abdominal Pain" ; Haley Merritt, "Hemiplegic Stroke Sequelae with Aphasia" ; Hanna DeFuria, "Primary Hypertension" ; Jasmin Jones, "Bilateral Leg Weakness and Paralysis" ; Jeanne Mare Werle, "Stroke Sequela" ; Jennifer Rankin, "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Osteoarthritis" ; Jennifer Walker, "Facial Paralysis (Bell's Palsy)" ; Jessica Maynard, "Parkinson's Disease" ; Joey Chan, "Facial Paralysis (Bell's Palsy)" ; Joy Earl, "Hemmorhagic Stroke Sequela" ; Kelli Jo Scott, "Low Back Pain with Urinary Difficulties" ; Kimberly Shotz, "Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis" ; Lindsey Thompson, "Ankylosing Spondylitis" ; Liz Kerr, "Depression with Emotional Stress and Dream Disturbed Sleep" ; Marlena Pecora, "Acute Cholecystitis" ; Natalie Gregersen, "Outer Ear Infection" ; Patty McDuffey, "Ulcerative Colitis" ; Phonexay Simon, "Acute Neck Pain with Psoriasis" ; Sarah Martin, "Lumbar Stenosis due to Osteoarthritis" ; Sarah Richards, "Low Back Pain with Radiation" ; Seven Crow, "Ganglion Cyst" ; Stacey Kett, "Chronic Headache (Typhoid Fever Sequela)" ; Stephanie Grant, "Hemiplegia (Stroke Sequela) with Acute Lung Consolidation" ; Tara Gregory, "Palliative Care of Parkinson's Disease" ; Terry Atchley, "Chronic Vomiting."